Thursday, September 8, 2011

assignment 3- Marine park Fee

Step 1

1) Firstly, I created new layer which is 26x15 inches in size
2) Used Gradient Layer to create the background color
3) And I used Eliptical Marquee Tool to create shape and filled with darker color n place on the layer to get a good depth of color

Step 2

1) Inserted 1st image onto the layer that created
2) Then, I give the shadow effect to the image where can find it at fx at the layers box
3) Another 2 images inserted on the layer and did the same step as step no.2

Step 3

1) For the title, I used Horizontal Type Tool to key in words
2) Rectangular Marquee Tool created and filled with color to placed at both side of the title

Step 4

1) For create a box to insert the word i used Rectangular Marquee Tool
2) Step 1 is repeated to create different sizes and colors of boxes

Step 5

1) Finally, Horizontal Type Tool is used once again to insert the words in the boxes